Day One Hundred Thirty-Two “Wet Paint”

I have done some stupid, hair-brained things in the course of my life, and this spectacle has to be close to the top of the list. My husband and I are in the midst of cleaning and remodeling our basement, and part of that project includes repainting the cement floor in a light gray hue. We painted the floor in sections, moving shelving, painting under those shelves, putting stuff back, moving on to the next section. When we were done for the day, or so I thought, I went upstairs to get caught up with some chores. I called down to my husband some time later, and he didn’t respond. Was he okay? I shouted down again. No answer. Was something amiss? Super wife to the rescue! Without thought, I flew down the steps, finding myself sliding and skidding across a newly-painted section of floor. Unbeknownst to me, hubby had already exited through the basement door and was safe and sound outside. So there I stood, adrift on the glassy surface of a wet floor, with sticky gray feet, thanking God that I didn’t fracture a hip in the process. I would soon learned a lesson in humility as I sat on our deck while my husband scrubbed the paint off of my tootsies. Maybe next time I will engage my brain before I employ my feet.
Oh, be careful little feet where you go; for the Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful little feet where you go. I have sung that song a million times with little kiddos, and the lyrics surely would have been a help to me on that fateful painted-feet day. But as embarrassing as that event was, it was not as devastating as when I’m not aware of the spiritual path of my feet. How often have I have barged into situations without waiting on my Father to direct; how often I have “gone astray,” “departed out of the way,” slid aimlessly onto the wet paint of sin and disobedience. We are warned to “Ponder the path of thy feet,” to allow God to be the Mastermind of our path, not to be that man who “wandereth out of the way of understanding.” The paint ordeal reminds me to seek counsel of His Word, visit with Him in prayer, engage with the Father before I engage with my feet, allowing Him to apply the brakes if it is not His path for me.
When Jesus saved my soul decades ago, He found this little lost lamb who had gone astray, a lamb who had turned to “his own way,” and through His sacrifice at Calvary, He brought this lost lamb home. Now I need to submit all that pertains to my journey here on earth under His direction, as “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD.” Ordered: to stand erect, established, fitted, arranged by the Lord. God help me not to be one who, by foolish actions and reckless steps, wanders off into a path of sin and waywardness, then through my reckless influence, inadvertently causes “many to stumble.” Let’s align our steps with His Word, and ponder the impact of each of our steps.
Proverbs 4:26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.
Lord, I tend to step before I think. Help me to ponder my actions, my steps, keeping them always aligned with Your Word. Help me to realize that my actions have an impact on those watching me. Keep me in Your path.
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