Day One Hundred Thirty-Three “First Flight”

They are arguably the most majestic of all birds, their nests perched in the tallest trees high above forested areas and generally close to a water source. That nest is one architectural wonder, four to five feet in diameter, reaching depths of over five feet, constructed with woven sticks, lined with grasses, filled with soft material including moss and downy feathers. When those baby eaglets are birthed, they are protected, warm, and safe in those cushy nests constructed by the parent eagles, and those babies are well-nourished as they are fed fresh meat from the parent eagles’ strong talons.
All is well in that Eagle Hilton Hotel until the eaglets mature to the age of eight to ten weeks old. The eaglets are fledged, losing those fluffy down baby feathers, while growing feathers necessary for independent flight A curious process now begins as the mother eagle begins picking at the nest, removing the soft cushion of down, making the nest a bit prickly and uncomfortable. She also withholds food. Is she appearing mean yet? She then hovers over the nest, much like a hummingbird, rapidly flapping her wings, fluttering over her babies. As the fledgling stretches for food, it mimics Mom and flaps those newly-feathered wings. The subsequent wind caused by Mrs. Eagle fluttering and baby eagle furiously flapping its wings, creates enough lift to allow the eaglet to rise slightly above the nest. The first flight is occurring, a mere few inches above the floor of the nest. Eventually the lack of food and that uncomfortable nest will cause the eaglet to learn to fly, first tenuously from branch-to-branch, then that eaglet will soar gloriously into the heavens, but all under the watchful eye of a wise parent.
God occasionally has to nudge us out of our comfort zone, causing us to stretch our spiritual wings. Sometimes He stirs my nest, and when He does, I think of Bible characters like Joseph. There he was, comfortable in his cushy nest, favored son of his daddy, Jacob. Would Joseph voluntarily abandon that familiar, comfortable life to travel to Egypt, only to be sold into slavery, endure a prison stay for a crime he didn’t commit? Probably not. But without that nest nudging, he would have never risen to the position of prime minister of Egypt and he never would have had the opportunity to be used by an all-knowing God to save the nation of Israel from the crushing famine that would devastate the known world. God knew Joseph’s character and potential, an used them for His purpose.
Often God pushes us into somewhat chaotic, unfamiliar situations to unleash hidden potential, to draw out dormant talents, to arm us with new ministry tools to use for His purpose. Stretch those wings and experience flight outside your comfort zone, placing your trust securely in His will and protection. God may merely be taking you to a higher level, teaching you to fly gloriously in unfamiliar skies.
Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.
Thank You, Lord, for expanding my comfort zone, always encouraging me to fly for You. When in those new areas, I am more likely to be dependent on You.
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