Day Two Hundred Ninety-Six “Be the Tree”

Oh, my sweet little girl! Our home was certainly blessed, our quiver filled to the brim with blessings, when a little bundle of Oriental joy became a part of our family. But one physical characteristic began to emerge during her toddler years…she was certainly going to be a teeny one! Her height stats always leaned toward the lower half of the normal scale, those pretty girlie dresses were always a bit too long, she had to wait a few extra years to ride those big kid rides at the amusement park, and it seemed as if she would NEVER be tall enough to graduate from a car seat. But as childhood melted into adulthood, she discovered the wonderful world of high heels; my petite little girl could now add a few inches to her stature.
Speaking of people who are vertically challenged, aka…short, who doesn’t love the story of little Zacchaeus? Zacchaeus, whose name ironically is interpreted clean and pure, was far from worthy of that Hebrew name, for he was a corrupt, crooked, tax collector. But a crowd had gathered in Jericho this special day, for Jesus was passing through, and this short tax collector was among the curious. Zacchaeus “sought to see Jesus who he was and could not for the press, because he was little of stature;” he was too short to see Jesus clearly, his view was obstructed. NO one in that crowd was going to relinquish their spot for Zacchaeus, for he was held in such animosity and contempt by his fellow citizens.
This well-dressed, grown man came up with a totally undignified solution to his situation; he would climb a tree. Imagine the reaction to this pillar of society dangling from the branch of a tree. Why humiliate himself this way? God had a plan for Zacchaeus that day, for Zacchaeus had more than an intellectual curiosity concerning Jesus, his heart was on fire, he HAD to see this Man! That tree limb was the doorway to salvation for this man who had “come short of the glory of God.” He would meet the Savior today!
Some days I wonder if I am like that crowd, blocking someone’s view of Christ, so concerned about myself that I am oblivious to the needs of others, so turned off by a wicked lifestyle that I don’t remember that my Savior is in the life-changing business. May I strive to be more like that sycamore tree, lifting those with a deep yearning in their heart, providing them with a clear, unobstructed view of Jesus.
Romans 2:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Lord, thank You for convicting me when I am like that crowd, blocking others from having a clear view of You…help me to be that tree!
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