Day Three Hundred Thirty-Three “Shoes”

One thing is for certain, she didn’t get it from me, but she absolutely was infected…badly! Every Sunday morning, when our young toddler was dropped off at the door of our church nursery, the ladies were well aware of what was in store for them. Even at that young age, my daughter was a bit of a shoe fanatic, and the higher the heels, the better. Since her momma was a bit of a hillbilly and way too clumsy to clomp about in anything other than comfy flats, she had no opportunity to sport those high heels at home. But every Sunday morning, while other children were immersed in play, my daughter would be strutting around the nursery in one of the worker’s high heels, feeling very much like an oriental Cinderella. My daughter is still infatuated by shoes, but now she can purchase her own high heels. But I can not hold back the smile when I think of that petite little toddler trying to fill those big shoes.
Have you ever had some BIG shoes to fill? Following in the footsteps of greatness is never easy, but sometimes we find ourselves in that awkward spot. A faithful Sunday school teacher must leave her post due to failing health, a gifted musician has reached that age when they can no longer fulfill their duties, a successful pastor retires, or someone who has held our highest regard has been called home to glory, and we are left to fill those shoes, and the weight of that responsibility is overwhelming.
Imagine the burden that Solomon carried as he assumed the reins of power formerly held by his father, that “man after God’s own heart,” King David, the sweet psalmist. What an enormous responsibility was placed upon Solomon’s shoulders, huge shoes to fill! But when Solomon sought God’s wisdom, “the LORD his God was with him, and magnified him exceedingly.” Solomon’s wealth and wisdom were legendary, and he would take the nation of Israel to even greater heights spiritually and economically.
Centuries earlier, Moses, “the servant of the LORD,” had died, and stepping into his shoes was Joshua, his faithful general. Standing at the crossroads of the Promised Land, with the weight of this new burden upon his shoulders, Joshua meets with his God, Who comforts this new leader with these words: “as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee…Be strong and of a good courage.” With God’s power, Joshua would lead his nation through the swollen Jordan River and into their Promised Land.
God may have some new paths for you to blaze, some big shoes for you to fill. But His power, wisdom, and strength is available to you as you carry the torch on for His glory.
Joshua I:9b Be strong and of a good courage; neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Thank You for those faithful workers who have served You for generations. Help us as we step into those big shoes and carry on Your great commission to reach the world.
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