Day Three Hundred Sixty “Sapphira”

Sapphire…Just saying the word conjures up an immediate vision, a picture of that gorgeous deep blue gemstone, prominent on a royal crown or a sultan’s turban. Well noted for its allure, value, and scarcity, the sapphire also has earned its place in the Scripture. The second stone in the second row of the high priest’s breastplate “shall be…a sapphire.” The stone lends us a reminder that the value of wisdom cannot “be gotten of gold…or the sapphire,” and has also adorned the “anointed cherub that covereth,” who fell from heaven when his “head was lifted up.” The diamond may be the king of gemstones, but the royal blue sapphire is indeed both stunning and desirable.
There is a parable tucked away in the Gospel of Matthew. It is the simple story of a merchant man seeking expensive, beautiful gems. While on his quest, “he found one pearl of great price,” and was so excited about the prospect of possessing that gem that he “sold all that he had, and bought it.” He was on a mission, and his mission was fulfilled in that one priceless gem.
In the Book of Acts we find another man on a quest, the man Cornelius. He was a Gentile, “devout man, and one that feared God with all his house,” but lacked the complete knowledge of Christ, the One Who came to provide salvation full and free. He had a hunger and thirst for God, and God, in His grace and mercy, sent Peter to share the Gospel with him. When Peter completed his mission, “the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.” Cornelius and those in his sphere of influence found that gemstone; Cornelius could not purchase that salvation, but he gained possession of it by grace through faith.
My Sapphira is our little adopted gemstone, the meaning of her name. Gemstones, especially pearls, are amazing; they both absorb and reflect light. What is my prayer for her? My desire is that she will be on a mission to seek out that “pearl of great price,” the God of her salvation. I pray that she will absorb the light of the gospel, accept the free gift offered to her, form a relationship with the One Who suffered so deeply to open the door of eternal life to her. I pray that my little gemstone will then reflect that Light to those around her and draw them to Christ, for as beautiful and valuable as she is in my eyes, she is even more valued in the eyes of a heavenly Father. May Sapphira always seek His precious wisdom and care.
Proverbs 3:15 She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.
Lord, help us to reflect Your glory and beauty. You are such a gem of great price!
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