Day Ninety-One “Little Red Spinning Wheel”

Spin and loop and then you pull, with your little red spinning wheel. After decades, that catchy advertising ditty still replays in my aging brain; I can sing along from memory, erasing all the years that have long-since passed. It was THE Christmas gift the very early 60’s, and this young girl wanted one-BADLY! The hints that I tossed about were about as subtle as being hit in the head with a brick, leaving no room for guessing, I wanted a little red spinning wheel and nothing else, it was my heart’s desire, and I would be on my BEST behavior to help liken the possibility of getting one. Looking back with an adult’s insight, I realize that such a request must have been quite the financial challenge for my widowed momma, but somehow she managed to satisfy the deepest desires of her daughter’s heart. That Christmas morning from days gone by remains fresh in my memories, not because of an over-advertised toy which is long gone, but for the memory of the love of a mother who would sacrifice so deeply to see her baby girl smile.
As I replayed the memory of that youthful Christmas wish today, The Lord brought to my mind the story of a young woman, Hannah. She had petitioned the Lord for years, praying and weeping, longing for an answer. Her heart’s desire was to have a child, a son who would grow to love and to serve the God of Israel with all his heart. Her heart was so devastated by the seeming silence of God, the endless waiting, the taunting of those around her, that she “did not eat.” She was in “bitterness of soul…and wept sore.” But it “came to pass” that in God’s perfect timing, He granted that desire of her heart and gave her a son, Samuel, who would be a blessing not only to her, but also to the entire nation of Israel. Hannah’s heart “…rejoiced in the LORD” as her heart overflowed with thankfulness to her God, “For this child I prayed, and the LORD hath given me the petition which I asked of him:”
Perhaps you have been praying for years and God has not yet granted that deep desire of your heart, leaving you to struggle with the why question. I do not have an answer to that complex question, but I do rest in the knowledge that our God is sovereign; He answers according to His timing and His perfect will, working every detail for our good. He loves us beyond our capacity to comprehend and He alone knows what is best for us. He wants His children to trust Him, to delight in Him, and to commit our way to Him. If my earthly momma had such delight in answering a young girl’s desires, how much more does my heavenly Father rejoice in accomplishing what is best for me? My challenge is to trust Him and His will fully, even when I can’t quite understand His timing.
Psalm 37:3-5 Trust in the LORD, and do good…Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Lord, when my prayers seem unanswered, help me to remember Hannah, to trust in You, and to wait patiently for Your answer. Help me to live a life that delights in You.
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